The Path to Enlightenment and Equanimity


“Meditation stills the mind from its daily chatter and teaches us how to be in the moment. It allows us to see our lives with our eyes open, in a calm, peaceful way.â€
-Rose Caiola

Meditate your way into transcendence

Equanimity is a kind of self-control that springs from a state of mind, and complements self-realization or enlightenment. It is part of the benefit package we receive from experiencing that divinity within, through meditation.

It can help us cope with major life-events. Self-realization helps us gain mastery over our mind, so we are always at peace, regardless of any disturbances that may take place around us. That is equanimity. Through meditation we can lift ourselves to a higher dimension of consciousness. Meditation is the only direct way to attain enlightenment or self-realization and to achieve a state of equanimity.

Different responses to meditation

Do you wonder why some people find the idea of meditation pleasant or soothing, while others seem almost frightened of it and have a great deal of trouble sitting quietly, even for few minutes? We all meditate to a certain extent when we focus on performing a certain task with our limited consciousness, whether it’s repairing an engine, helping our child with homework, or screwing in a lightbulb. Without certain amounts of focused concentration, we wouldn’t be able to do anything effectively.

Meditation is not simply helpful to experience enlightenment or self-realization, but to live a less stressful life and function well. Sitting quietly – even for five minutes a day – can make a big difference in our day-to-day functionality and keep our mental and physical abilities intact, while providing so many other benefits.

If meditation – which entails focus and concentration – can do wonders in our life, why then, are some of us terrified to meditate?

Meditation is not easy to do, especially in this age where there is so much materialism, skepticism, atheism and hedonism. Coping with all the obstacles of modern life can be quite challenging. However, uplifting ourselves to generate peace and a state of equanimity is not impossible. It is within our reach, if only we can shift our priorities and sit still just for five minutes every day.

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